By 2003 TheBed had gained something of a reputation for two quite different reasons. Our demos had made a little impact, mostly over the Atlantic where we'd had some college radio play, but also our chaotic live shows around the UK, and the surrounding drunken antics, had gained some attention. The main problem as far as I could see was that our demos, recorded at home, were very restrained & sounded like a different band to the abrasive, punky outfit that blasted live audiences out of the room in search of Coldplay. This very unpopular recording was the result.
1. Soma Riot Wave Machine
2. Time Against The Tower
Soma Riot Wave Machine was recorded at River Studios on 7/8th June 2003.
I've still got some copies of this on CD somewhere, just donate something to Tea Tone with a request for this & I'll send you one, otherwise it's available from Piccadilly Records.