While Safety In Cucumbers was envisioned as an album themed by my suburban surroundings in West London, it became wider in scope as the writing developed, and ultimately became part of a trilogy documenting my re-discovered but finally souring love affair with the whole of England. The Speed of Sneeze aimed to narrow the focus once more, and I did almost all the writing on a bench I'd made for my back garden, between kicking a football around the yard & inventing games like World Cup Corners with my housemate Mikey the Uxbridge Strangler.
Uxbridge Skies
One Small Crime (One Last Time)
Took A Knife To A Fistfight
Am I There
Black With Love (And Falling By)
No Short Sigh
Art of Giving Up
Life As It Appears
The Speed of Sneeze was recorded at Glendale Uxbridge in the Summer of 2007.